Spanish Version

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

Buda’s Factory is a program to deprogram the human being and to send him back to the world free and natural as when he was born. Without lies and fears.

Thousands of habits and patterns can disappear in just 15 days to set the real self free , the self we rarely hear to and which is unable to act as it does in a Buddha.

Buddha’s Factory is a place created by awakened and enlightened people who dedicate their lives to those who want to get out of the illusion which transforms life into a prison.

No more information , workshops, trainings, spiritual speeches…BF is an inner journey which will allow you to feel who you really are and that all your dreams needs targets frustrations fights competitions judgments… and everything you’ve called your life so far, was just a device for survival.. Times have changed…beings who got rid of all their beliefs are willing to share their experience with you. No more limitations. All within just 15 days.

Soul isn’t bind by needs or wants, soul is whole in itself but you don’t know it yet, therefore this endless search for happiness. The one who searches can’t find because there’s nothing from the outside that may fill this emptiness.

We’ll teach you through experience. Nothing to do, nothing to achieve…God is within. Don’t go on looking for it elsewhere, empty yourself from all beliefs…

It will be forever…

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